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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Entry 3

In mid-July the details in my medical records was beginning to get quite lengthy and was starting to fit with what I was telling the doctors. I also started my PT (physical therapy) and to get started was a FCE (physical performance testing) test and damn if I didn’t take more Norco than prescribed that day. Lol! The next appointment was next week and it was with Dr. Rib. for the results of my MRI.

Dr. Rib. told me that for the most part the MRI didn’t show anything that was causing pain and no fractures either. After I received the records for the MRI, I looked over them and there was more information on it than what the doctor told me. This was a minor details that I failed to investigate further as I had a lot to handle with the RSD issue. I visited Dr. Rib. twice that month because the MRI report was incomplete at the first visit. My next appointment was with the referred doctor from Dr. Rib. and this doctor was a pain management clinic and his name was Dr. Stan. I was supposed to be looking forward to a procedure called a SGB!

Doctor Stan. was a very thorough, informative, and seemingly caring doctor. He is the type of doctor everyone wants to go to. He went over every detail over what I could expect in the future and the possible treatments of RSD. Then we went over the procedure (SGB (Stellate Ganglion Block)) he wanted to try and how it might help and what is done during the procedure.  At the time of this appointment I was not taking the Lyrica prescribed to me because I was driving heavy duty truck and equipment as part of my light duty and I was told that when you first start taking it that you shouldn’t drive. I was waiting for a couple of days off work but that hadn’t happened yet.

            I was very nervous about the SGB because of all the dangers and how it was performed. I am a very cautious person when it comes to going to a doctor anytime let alone someone sticking a needle in the neck and injecting something in an area that could permanently damage nerves. Yes I was being a coward! I am the type of person that their blood pressure and heart rate go thru the roof just for a check-up. LOL

            When I told Dr. Stan. how nervous I was he suggested that I begin the Lyrica for a couple of weeks to see if I improved any and if not then we would proceed with the SGB and I agreed with him. He seemed disappointed but also very understanding about my nervousness. He told the safety officer with me that the employer that they had to give me at least 3 days for me to get used to the medication to make sure I could drive with the medication. He also told him that if I could not drive under the medication that they would have to accommodate another light duty position for me.

            I was set for the next appointment with him at the end of August and to go back to my other doctors until then. I was very impressed with Dr. Stan. and would recommend him to anyone in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for pain management!

            On that same day I had an appointment with Dr. Rib. again to go over what Dr. Stan. and I discussed. He was disappointed that I had not gone thru with the SGB because he had told me that he thought all my problems would be over with it. I had researched RSD and SGBs by this time and how it was not a cure for RSD but it could give short or long term relief. I was looking forward to some kind of relief but I thought I would try meds over procedures or operations.

            In the middle of August I had an appointment with PA Schul. And during this appointment I discussed what happened with the MRI and with Dr. Stan.. Every time I went to another doctor I passed all the records to the WOL Clinic so they could review what the company doctors were up to. I was also on the Lyrica and getting some relief from the “pins and needles” feeling and pain. Of course I was encouraged that it was starting to work and maybe it would hold off the SGB.

            I had also come up with the theory that my high blood pressure was not only caused by the pain but also from the constant stress from my employer, having RSD, and the planning of appointments and hours I was working. Now that I am not dealing with the employer, lawyers, and constant doctor visits my blood pressure is leveling out. It is high on my bad days but for the most part it is good. I am still on meds for it but that is me being cautious I guess. The other part of all this problems is that for the most part I have gotten over the anxiety of going to routine doctors. I am grateful for that I promise!
I  think that I may have the audio problem out and going to try it out for entry 4.

Thank you all for your support!!!!


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